Directed by Lawrence Fowler.
Starring Ethan Taylor, Robert Nairne, Lucy-Jane Quinlan, Philip Ridout, and Darrie Gardner.
When a vintage Jack-in-the-box is un-earthed and opened, it’s new owners soon have reason to believe the creepy clown doll within has a life of it’s own. Lawrence Fowler’s The Jack In The Box is a victim of two truths that are circumstantially at-odds. Number one! Fowler’s golden cube represents potential both in exterior appeal and what resides within. Number two! By golly, we’ve endured fifty thousand paranormal stories with the same interchangeable premise. An old-world hellspawn manifests as a demonic clown whenever it wants, but “whenever” becomes problematic. The more Fowler explores his monster’s “must consume six souls” inner workings, the more he loses grip of a horror conundrum no more profound than the basest supernatural occurrences. Truth be told? Enticing concept, derivative execution.
American Casey (Ethan Taylor) finds employment as an overseas curator for a small-town historical museum. When rifling through stashed-away artifacts, he dusts off a Jack-In-The-Box that provokes sinister gazes. Co-worker Lisa (Lucy-Jane Quinlan) helps ensure that Casey’s new toy is placed front and center for paying customers, but then deaths start occurring. Casey tries to warn mangers and lawmen, yet no one believes his rare Jack-In-The-Box could be responsible for multiple slayings. What fools.
Source: TGV Pictures